Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment
The Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation Wizard is the first step in reconciling Annualised Salary employees. After the Calculation Wizard is run, the user then needs to run the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard via this screen to actually generate the payments to flow from the Time to the Payroll Module.
This Wizard allows you to run the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment in Report Only mode for viewing of data, and Report and Process mode to generate the Reconciliation Payment Output Artefacts.
- Preceda Variable *ANNSAL = Y
Rules and Guidelines
Only one user at a time should use this Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Wizard in Report and Process mode. This avoids any overlapping of employees being processed and to ensure that each employee is only processed once. A warning message in red will be displayed trying to run the wizard in Process mode and another user is already running it in Process mode.
The Annualised Salary Review start date is updated after the Payment Wizard process has been run in Process mode and its behaviour is different depending on which scenario it is running for.
- This wizard cannot be used in Report and Process mode while any employees within the Selection Criteria are within a payrun that is In Progress. This will be locked if processed in Report and Process mode as its Processing Type on the Reconciliation Payment Parameters screen and moves to the Selection Criteria screen.
This Wizard will not be locked if processed in Report Only mode. A warning message in orange will be displayed if in starting the wizard and another user is already in the wizard in Process mode, but you can still Report Only mode.
- Any top up payments generated can only be output to a Time Code that is linked to an allowance and will be output to the Time Code listed on the employees Time Details screen in Annual Top Up Time Code field. Note that the Time Code needs to be a monetary adjustment.
- On the browselist, when the X icon next to the employees name is clicked (i.e. to remove an employee), all fields for the employee will be changed to output fields (i.e. greyed out) and all values will have a strike through line. The Expected Liability total fields will also be updated, removing all the positive values.
- On the browselist, when a user clicks the undo icon (i.e. to include the employee again), the strike through will be removed and all fields will return to their previous state. The Expected Liability total fields will also be updated, adding all the positive values for the employee.
- For more information, see this Annualised Salary Features & Approach Guide.
Field Information
Click Start Wizard.

Choose from below options how you would like to run this process.
Option | Description |
Report Only |
This creates only the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Reports (PRP499PRT1 and PRP499PRT2). This does not create the actual top up even if one is due and the history record (ASH001H, ASH001P, ASH001T). Also, this does not adjust the Annualised Salary Start Date. |
Report and Process | This creates an actual top up if it is due on the allowances screen in the Time Module (CKADJUST), along with a history record (ASH001H, ASH001P, ASH001T) of the value and the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Reports (PRP499PRT1 and PRP499PRT2. This also updates the Annualised Salary Start Date on the Significant Dates screen. |

Indicate which employees are to be included in the report.
Option | Description |
Only Selected Employees who are due |
This reconciles only the employees (Outer Limits employees, Common Law Set Off employees) the system detects who are due for a Reconciliation. |
All Selected Employees | This includes all selected employees (who meet the criteria on the Selection Criteria screen), regardless of when the Reconciliation due date would fall. This option is a way to force the calculation for employees to today's date. |
Selected Employees that are due in the next xx days |
This includes all employees from the first option of Only Selected Employees who are 'due' plus those who are due within the number of days entered. ![]() Today is 5/8/2020: Everyone due plus those extra - if 30 is entered, then the system would pick up anyone with an Annualised Salary Start Date within the range of 1/8/2019-30/9/2019. |
When the option Selected Employees that are due in the next xx days is selected, the number of days should always be populated.

This screen is both used in the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation and Payment Wizards.

The fields in Select Ranges have a From and To range capability

This is a heading and the fields here are not ranges, rather, they are individual values.

This screen displays the information, from the last Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation that was processed either manually via Annualised Salary Reconciliation Calculation Wizard or automatically via Close Payrun, for each of the selected employees on the Reconciliation Payment Parameters screen and Selection Criteria screen.
Figures on this screen are just displaying the already stored values, not recalculating in full during the wizard.
Navigating back to the previous screen and making a change to the Selection Criteria will remove any overridden data from this Calculation Options screen and will generate the new list on the Calculation Options screen. However, if navigating back and no changes are made, then upon clicking next and coming back to this screen, all the modifications made will remain as they were prior to clicking back.

These total fields will be the sum of all positive values for each category for Configured Rate, Selected Rate, Award Rate, Salary Rate and Contract Rate (i.e. where an annual top up payment is calculated).
Note that negative top up values are not included in the totals.

This is the total of all the positive values for the options selected on each employee.

This is the total of all the positive values for the options selected on each employee.

This is the total of all the positive values for the Award Rate column for all employees.

This is the total of all the positive values for the Salary Rate column for all employees.

This is the total of all the positive values for the Contract Rate column for all employees.

- You can remove an employee from the wizard via the X icon. This provides the ability to remove employees from the Payment Wizard even if they are in the Selection Criteria. Marking the employee to be removed will mean that the calculation/payment will not go ahead and the Annualised Salary Start Date will not be adjusted. The employee will not have been reconciled. It will strike through the employees line of values and the totals will be recalculated to not include that employee if their figures were positive as only positive values are added into the totals section for the Expected Liability.
- When a user clicks the undo icon (i.e. to include the employee again), the strike through will be removed and all fields will return to their previous state. The Expected Liability total fields will also be updated, adding all the positive values for the employee.
When the Rate To Use field is changed, the value for the Selected Rate field in the browselist will reflect the value for the option selected. The Expected Liability total for Selected Rate will also be updated accordingly.
- To activate the Custom field, you would need to select Custom in the Rate to use field. When the value for the Custom field is changed, the value for the Selected Rate field in the browselist will reflect the value for the option selected. The Expected Liability total for Selected Rate will also be updated accordingly.
Comment is not only for custom but can be entered regardless of the Rate to use that is selected. This comment ends up displayed on the Annualised Salary Reconciliation History screen drilldown and the Allowances screen Description for the Time Code but displays as "ANN SAL REC + [comment value]" for the Allowances screen.

This screen summarizes the employee information from the Calculation Options screen. Removed employees from the Calculation Options screen are not displayed on this screen.
This screen is read-only, serving as a summary for you to see what you are about to actually commit to.
Navigating back to the Calculation Options will display all of the changes/overrides as they were before clicking next to get to this screen. You can manipulate the data further then click next and come back to this screen.
Total Liability is the total for all the positive amounts.

On Finish, only Batch is run. The Interactive option is not allowed.
When processed in Report Only mode, this will:
- only create the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Report.
- not create the actual Top up.
- not create the history record.
- not move the date forward.
When processed in Report and Process mode, this will:
- create Top up if due.
- create the history record.
- create a record ready for approval on the Allowances screen in the TIME module. These Top Ups will be an out of period transaction (dated with the last day of the reconciliation period) but will appear in the current period which, once approved, turns into a Retro New entry in the Allowances screen and it will be dated as the last day in the Pay Period Range so it can be exported to payroll.
- create the Annualised Salary Reconciliation Payment Report.
- update the date to a new Review Period Start Date.